Main Character Roster

Below is a list of major characters that appear in Dolphinsong.

Shaiyese Pod                                                

As an eager young member of the pod, Comet has always seen as light-hearted and aloof. While nothing could seem to mellow his playful tendencies, he holds a strong will; something that many lack. This allows him to be very well-coordinated and trustworthy in tasks and scenarios in which most others are unsuitable. Comet was chosen by Delphis to hold the reigns of Echosinger; a position that others have held before, though none successfully. 

The enigmatic hyperactive female of the Shaiyese, and the daughter of the pod-leader Ivory. Ana's personality is never certain, with her afternoon persona sometimes completely contradicting that early in the morning. She wants the best for her pod, but will simply ignore commands that she sees as unfit or unneccesary to achieve her goals of the greater good which have led her into a great deal of hellfire in the past cycles.

As the leader of the Shaiyese pod, Ivory stands responsible for mainting and keeping daily life together--something that most others take for granted. Ivory is very young, at least for her role, and it frequently puts her in a great deal of stress. However, all it takes is a leap out of the grip of the Oceans' water and she returns with a replenished ego to continue her task.

Meridian Hourglass                                                        

Celeste is unlike the others of her pod in that she is far more interested in her mother's work than playing with her fellow kin, but this is not to say she refrains from social interaction. Her biggest choice was departing from the southern Ice Waters to seek her mother in the Ice-rock Caverns after it had detached itself from the frozen ice of the south. This cost her almost total isolation from her pod, and while it has had a heavy toll on her emotions she very rarely shows it.

Circle Emburance                                                            
Taillia was originally very shy and not very fond of the idea of the outside world, not helped by the Circle's isolation in the first place. Under Ne'sari's watch, she started to change her views and longed for a look at the very Tides that she lived in--something that the subterranean caverns of her home did not offer good views of. Since a young age, she had been venturing outside the den by making an agreement by the watch-dolphins out front, and is the first of her kind in several cycles to do so.

Ne'sari picked up leadership at a fairly young age and ascended to the rank of Alpha very rapidly. The idea of a second alpha (Lanner being the other) was a much debated topic, as the power would have to be split cleanly between them both in consensus. Ne'sari, noting that Lanner tends to take over the job either way, has started to free herself from the task while remaining in the Alpha position. This has caused her to become less stern with her peers and not as serious in her role, but she receives more approval in return. She is a cousin to Lanner, and often referred by him as "sister".

As the very descendent of the Ascended One himself Lanner has accepted that he would have to sacrifice much to uphold the tradition of the Circle. However, Lanner was only to become an Alpha, which was a great relief for him. Lanner knows little of the Circle's contact with Atlantis, but he acknowledges the task that the Circle has accepted as part its fate. While not too pleased to be forced into the role, Lanner continues to stand up with great vigor, occasionally driving him to reckless ends, much to the irritation of Ne'sari.
Erailin is a mysterious figure who is poorly known by the current Circle generation. In his time he was a great leader for the Circle, but after Atlantis' departure he was forced to undergo a drastic change. Atlantis did not directly leave the Light-harp behind for the Circle, as their abrupt fled left no opportunity to even wave a farewell, but Erailin accepted that if the Circle did not take the artifact in then no one would--at least no one that would be able to resist the temptation of the crystal's power. Erailin took the matter to the Council, who agreed to let him hide the sacred relic in a region of Silversea, however for this to happen he would first have to brave the trials laid ahead of him. He became the first Oracle of Silversea, and the first to ever reach the third post, a position that he has long guarded despite the apparent irony that the Light-harp may be causing more harm when protected .

Transient Orca                                                 
Once a wise and honourable individual, La'kyur sunk into a regressive state of treachery after her first encounter with Comet. The reasoning behind her deviation and corruption remains unknown, even to her family relations. La'kyur was the first recognized individual to stand up against the War, and made a movement to stop it, even rebelling against her own Alpha--an action that got her banished. Now, however, stricken with grief, she cannot understand why she ever thought it was a good idea.
La'kyur's sister. Chyai'li is her own kind of hyperbole, something that stands out against the generally serious Orcas. Those who venture near to her cannot ignore her bright personality, which leaks and flows through the cracks of almost any situation. She is upset at La'kyur's turn to treason against the idea of peace, and is dedicated to continue her sister's work. She knows inside that she can never know the full extent of La'kyur's intentions, but that doesn't dull her motivation.

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